Why do our clients use us?

One of the most common problems facing employers is things not happening in their business – stuff not getting done or no follow through or accountability. Many business find it more challenging to scale because they don’t have a good COO / Operations Manager making sure people are held accountable and that stuff gets done. This can lead to the cost of bad hires, wasted time and money, customers being let down and ‘A’ Players leaving.

Here are the 5 reasons business owners and CEOs use FRS to help scale their companies:

We have recruited Chief Operating Officers, Operations Directors, Operations Managers and Project Managers to solve these problems. Ex-military are experts at “getting stuff done” and are the best operations people in the country. People like this can help a board to implement the vision.

Take Adam; Adam runs a £7m business in London and we placed a Chief Operating Officer with him. He said the new COO complimented him perfectly and made sure things got done. He was the perfect yin to his yang and a great sounding board. That’s exactly what that relationship should look like. It’s allowed Adam to focus on doing CEO stuff – the vision and values and the networking, which he is first class at, and not getting dragged into daily operations.

The strong chain of command in the military means there is accountability at every level.

Mark brought in an ex-army Maintenance Manager and was really impressed with how quickly he picked things up and hit the ground running. Because Mark ran a fast-moving logistics business it was important for someone to take up the slack and get going. He said his eye for detail was phenomenal.

And they need some guidance...

Take Alan, a CEO of a £14m business. He thought he was going to get a “barky Sergeant Major” and what he got was a General Manager who covered his own salary in savings in his first month. We have a deep understanding of military skills and the capabilities of servicemen and women, having placed candidate sinto work since 2001.

The client fills in an online role assessment (called the Contribution Identifier), which gives us an accurate representation of the personality required from a high performer in the role. Very few behavioural platforms offer this service. It allows a more accurate and reliable measurement of the candidate.

Julian was looking for an Operations Manager to run his £9m workshop. We shortlisted 3 candidates against the role, all 3 candidates had the skill and experience to do the job but only ONE candidate was aligned with the role. Profiling saved the client from a risky hire.

We understand this sentiment – for everything our servicemen and women have done for our country, we owe them an enormous debt of gratitude.

Judith wanted to help Veterans so she offered one of our candidates a job and he made such a difference that she made him a Director and backfilled his role inside 3 months, such was the difference he made.

So if you want to get the same results as these clients, book a zoom call with Managing Director Graham Brown 

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You can also download our FREE Ultimate Guide to hiring ex-military

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Images MOD © Crown copyright 2021. Service personnel planning and building one of the Nightingale Hospitals.