5 Key Steps to Change the Hiring Game Forever

I worked out the 5 key things with you that will change the hiring game for you forever.

1. Profile your yourself.

2. Profile your team.

3. Understand which level you’re hiring at and be honest with it.

4. Stop trying to turn ‘C’ Players into ‘A’ Players

5. Prepare yourself

1. Profile yourself so you understand where you’re at your best, in flow and enjoying what you’re doing. You will understand your natural abilities and preferences and what also knocks you out of flow and what you don’t enjoy doing – what you are not naturally good at is someone else’s superpower. We use a profiling platform called Contribution Compass, which allows us to profile roles, individuals and teams.

2. Profile the people around you to see how they support you. Recognise when THEY are in and out of flow and get them talking openly about it. You may find frictions appearing but when you’ve all understood each other’s profiles you stand a good chance putting it right. After this you may find that you need to recruit someone new to your team. Look at our 3 pillars of successful hiring to give you a guide on how to do this. It might involve repositioning one or two people rather than hiring. We can run a team report for you to show how your team is aligned (Sample team report below).


3. Understanding your hiring level is critical. There are 4 hiring levels.

Level 1 - An unqualified, unsuitable candidate

  • Match little or none of the criteria.
  • Time wasted interviewing when you probably know it’s not a good fit.
  • You will pay minimum wage.

Level 2 - A basic candidate

  • The minimum requirement for the role.
  • If the role is unskilled or low entry, a basic candidate might be a cost-effective option for you. You should still check if their nature energy and culture fit is aligned with the role and your company values.
  • You will pay on or slightly under market rate.

Level 3 - A good candidate

  • Qualified and capable.
  • Will likely add value to your business and your team and keep you on par or just ahead of your competitors.
  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with a good candidate. This might be exactly what you need right now.
  • Focus on the value they will add and look at what they’ve already achieved.
  • Is your current team ready for GOOD or GREAT? You need to know this.
  • You will pay slightly above market rate, but it will probably be worth it.

Level 4 - An ‘A’ player

  • Can lead / run parts (or in some cases, all) of your business.
  • Match skills and ability, natural energy and a good culture fit.
  • Will change your business and propel it.
  • Will shift the needle and know how to take others on the journey.
  • They will be in the top 1% of their trade/leadership band.

Bill Gates says that Microsoft was built around fewer than 20 people. Could a few ‘A’ players have the same impact on YOUR business?

See “How to recruit ‘A’ Players in the next section.

Book a zoom call here if you would like to hire an ‘A’ Player

4. Stop trying to turn ‘C’ Players into ‘A’ Players

There is a full explanation on 'A' Players in the next section but 'C' players (or basic candidates) have the bare minimum requirements for the job and all too often employers invest time and money trying to turn them into something they're not. This can be because they don't have the skill level, the mindset, the natural energy, the values or all of these. It's usually a better bet to find 'A' Players to begin with.

5.Prepare yourself

Just as candidates prepare for an interview, employers should also prepare. In a candidate-led market you must set out to impress good people and make them feel wanted. Here are a few Dos and don’ts.


✅ Take time to properly review a CV and look at the candidate’s LinkedIn profile.

✅ Prepare what you want to ask the candidate.

✅ Check if there is anything that doesn’t add up in their CV.

✅ Leave enough time and ensure the candidate knows how much time you have.

✅ Have a grip on your company culture & values and prepare to go into detail about what that means.


❌ Ignore any causes for concern you have.

❌ Leave your interview unstructured.

❌ Neglect planning an agenda for the interview.

❌ Leave out any plans for the future that may affect the company (or the candidate).

❌ Believe you have all the power. This should be a symbiotic fit and not a one-sided process.