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Which Comes First; Experience, Natural Energy or Culture?

January 26, 2022

Most employers tend to look at skills and experience first when hiring. From my experience I would say this is above 80%.
Most of these employers IGNORE the other 2 pillars and this is a huge mistake.
What of the remaining 20%? There is an even split between natural energy and culture.
How does one determine what’s important? Is the team culture and values ranked above all else – even skill? Is it more important to recruit someone who has the right natural energy? (by that I mean do you need an analyst, a people person, a creative starter or a completer). If you try to put someone heavily detail focused into a people role they will be out of flow every day and it will eventually end up with a costly bad hire.
All 3 pillars should be respected but the order they happen in the hiring process can vary. Lead with what’s most important but use the other 2 for a successful and lasting hire.
If you want some help understanding the fit for your next role.  Contact me at 
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