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UK Ranks 8th In Global Talent Competitiveness

January 29, 2018

The UK's strong pool of global knowledge skills and ability to attract talent with its good external openness is boosted further by its strong regulatory, market and business landscape. But this is undermined by its internal openness, where the UK is still lagging behind, especially when it comes to gender equality.

Produced by the world's leading workforce solutions provider, The Adecco Group, together with international business school INSEAD and Tata Communications, the GTCI looks at 68 discrete variables.

Ranging from collaboration within organisations and foreign direct investment to the gender pay gap, labour productivity and university rankings, these variables help determine a country's 'talent competitiveness' - the ability to attract, develop and retain skilled workers, thereby supporting productivity and prosperity.

Now in its fifth year, the 2017-2018 GTCI comes at a time of continued political and economic uncertainty and change, when attracting and retaining top talent is more important than ever for businesses to survive and compete.

GTCI 2018: Top 10 Countries

1. Switzerland
2. Singapore
3. United States
4. Norway
5. Sweden
6. Finland
7. Denmark
8. United Kingdom
9. Netherlands
10. Luxembourg


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