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The Secret of Expert Interviewing

January 20, 2022

 Level 1 – How some employers interview
-      The appearance
-      Manner
-      Presence
Candidate APPEARS to be right
Level 2 – How most employers interview
-      Knowledge
-      Acquired skills & experience
-      Training & education
Candidate CAN DO the job
Level 3 – What most employers ignore!!!
-      Attitudes and beliefs
-      Self-motivation
-      Temperament/behavioural patterns
Candidate WILL DO the job
Don’t stop at level 2 assessment. If you move to level 3 before you hire you have a chance of finding a behaviour that matches the contribution you’re looking for and therefore minimising the chances of making a costly bad hire.

If you need support profiling, interpreting our @contribution compass platform, or choosing the right person email me at

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