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Research Suggests Men Are Happier To Talk Salary

February 6, 2018

With reports suggesting women are still earning less than men, the discussion around salaries has continued to be taboo. However, new research announced by Jobbio, has found that men are much more open to discuss their earnings, with 55% happy to have the conversation.

With many considering silence to be one of the key factors of this inequality, the WorkHappy Index, created by Jobbio, a leading careers marketplace, also exposed some key influencing differences. In particular it revealed that less than a fifth of women believe that within the next five years their salary will increase, in comparison to nearly a quarter of men.

Yet both genders are in agreement that companies should be offering competitive salaries, with nearly two thirds of men and over half of women believing it is an important factor when it comes down to job happiness.

However, it’s not just salaries where men and women differ. Whether it is powering through back to back meetings, or creating the headspace to concentrate on a project, productivity means different things to both genders.

With the majority (83%) of women finding contentment and happiness by staying busy and receiving positive feedback from the clients, only two thirds of men find satisfaction from being busy. In addition to this, both genders also greatly enjoy a healthy work-life balance, with 47% of men and women admitting that it keeps them happy and fulfilled at work.


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