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Preview image for blog post entitiled Does Commuting Affect Our Wellbeing?
Does Commuting Affect Our Wellbeing?

There are numerous aspects of the working day that may negatively influence our mental wellbeing but we often underestimate the impact that the daily commute can have on stress levels......

Preview image for blog post entitiled 700% Surge In GDPR Jobs As Deadline Approaches
700% Surge In GDPR Jobs As Deadline Approaches

With just two months to go until the UK’s biggest overhaul of data protection law for two decades, data protection professionals are enjoying a jobs opportunity surge, according to new figures relea...

Preview image for blog post entitiled Men Twice As Likely To Seek Job Progression
Men Twice As Likely To Seek Job Progression

A new comprehensive report from leading jobs search engine Adzuna reveals that British men are significantly more confident than women in furthering their career......

Preview image for blog post entitiled 'Catfishing' - A Growing Concern For Recruiters
'Catfishing' - A Growing Concern For Recruiters

Catfishing - creating a false online profile in an attempt to get people to think you are somebody else - is no longer restricted to online dating, as online safety precautions now need to extend into...

Preview image for blog post entitiled Brits Believe They Deserve A Major Pay Rise
Brits Believe They Deserve A Major Pay Rise

It’s safe to say that most of us would agree we’d like more money and a few extra holiday days. So if it were up to us, and not our employers, how much more of each would we give ourselves?...

Preview image for blog post entitiled Men, Women and Workplace 'Stage Fright'
Men, Women and Workplace 'Stage Fright'

New research shows that workplace performance anxiety (otherwise known as ‘stage fright’ in a business setting) doesn’t discriminate between the sexes, but has revealed the different reasons why...

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