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Men Twice As Likely To Seek Job Progression

March 26, 2018

The career progression confidence gap between the genders widens greatest with those who have more than 10 years’ experience in the workplace, with men twice more likely than women to hold a top job.

The research analysed 500,000 CVs submitted through Adzuna’s ValueMyCV tool, comparing the gender and estimated pay grade with number of years’ experience in each respective industry.

The research also highlights a disparity in the average salary commanded by men and women for the same position with the same number of years in experience:

  • Men with up to five years’ experience are paid on average £5,000 (21%) more than women
  • Men with five to 10 years’ experience are paid on average £7,000 (25%) more
  • Men with 10+ years’ experience achieve on average £13,000 (42%) more in salary than their female contemporaries

Doug Monro, co-founder of Adzuna, commented: “According to the most recent statistics from the TUC, women on average work 67 days a year for free because of the current pay gap. This must be addressed, and now: otherwise we are in danger of not affording women the credit and financial return they deserve.”

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