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It Makes Me Furious That I Keep Getting This Wrong

May 24, 2023

Twice in a year they had made a hiring mistake and were deeply suspicious of agencies, but they weren’t sure where to turn to.

“Why are you any different?”, he said to me.

❓A great question.

He told me he had lost business because of one of them and the other had upset the team and a good employee had left because of it.

The cost of a bad hire can be worked out in monetary terms and the CIPD advise that it’s around 3 times the cost of the salary – an expensive exercise to get wrong.

What can be even more expensive than the direct cost is the cost to your team and the cost in business that you might not even know about.

I’ve made some poor hiring choices myself, which is why I explained our 3 pillars of successful hiring to him:

  1. Skills & Experience
  2. Natural energy and behaviour using the platform Contribution Compass
  3. Culture & values


We placed an Operations Manager 4 months ago with the client and the candidate has settled in really well and is adding value to the business.

Why not apply some science to your hiring process and increase the chances of getting a “keeper”.

That’s what we are all about, so if you like to hire a great keeper rather than someone who upsets the dressing room and can’t wait to leave on a free transfer contact me today


If you’ve made a bad hire, what happened and what did it cost you?

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