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How to Write a Job Description for a Coach Profile

June 18, 2024

As part of my “How to attract top talent with precision & clarity” series, we move on to the COACH profile.

We use a platform called Contribution Compass to profile candidates. When we take the time to understand the profile of the person we want to recruit, we can be smart using the right language to attract that candidate, saving time filtering in the right people and filtering out the wrong people.

What does a Coach need?

  • The ability to build relationships

  • To be around people

  • Trust to become inspiring team leaders

  • Good communications

What will a Coach bring?

  • A tuned-in people person who feels the heartbeat of the team

  • An inspirational leader / Manager

  • An expert motivator

  • They will rally your team

Balance the risk

  • Can be overly attached to people’s feelings Ignoring data and numbers They can talk over listening Losing sight of the big picture Always using people over systems Fearing being disliked Using people with no clear outcomes Hates disharmony

The type of language to use in a JD

  • Warmth. Relationship builder. Inspiring leader / manager. Energy. Light up others. Tuned in to people. Networking. Sales. Talent development. Customer focused. Motivating. Great team player Engagement. Variety. Activity. Harmonious team .Rallying the troops. Client facing. Feel the beat of the team. Training. Develop others.

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