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Have You Wondered Why Some Engineers Don’t Work Out for You?

March 24, 2022

Why do some engineers just not work out?  There can be many reasons for this, but the biggest reason is entirely preventable. 

The left image represents a typical reactive maintenance profile:


  • Creative problem solver
  • Like to solve problems others can’t
  • Power learners
  • Will make things happen
  • Short term crisis managers
  • Get bored quickly with no problems to solve
  • Don’t always think things through
  • Good at fast turnarounds
  • Don’t always follow the rules
  • Can be scattergun and erratic at times
  • Not natural completers
  • Always think they have more time than they actually do


The right image represents a typical PPM profile:


  • Like to connect with others
  • They really want to make a difference
  • Like to be in control of their schedule
  • Don’t like to be rushed
  • Like to tick items off their schedule
  • They like a plan, through order and routine
  • They are calm and grounded
  • Have a sixth sense when something doesn’t feel right
  • Will execute a plan
  • Digging in their heels when stressed
  • Getting demotivated working in isolation
  • Can blindly follow the client’s instruction

You can test what type of engineer you need using this FREE link    

Email me today at  if you want to recruit ex-military engineers.
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