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FRS Comment On ONS Employment Figures

June 13, 2018

FRS Managing Director Graham Brown commented: "The latest figures from ONS are very welcome news - that Britain is enjoying the highest employment rate since records began is obviously cause for celebration.

"We should also celebrate the fact that private sector employment is booming, with an increase of 3.7 million workers since 2010 and also that employers are recognising the value of experience - the number of workers aged 50 plus has reached a record 10.18 million.”

However, Brown sounds a note of caution for employers looking to recruit staff in this climate of high employment:

“There remain a large number of vacancies in the UK but the market is an increasingly competitive and candidate-driven one. This means that employers need to get creative about where and how they look for talent.

"The ex-military candidate pool represents a rich and relatively untapped source of highly experienced, professional and qualified candidates.”

Learn more about the ways in which FRS can help your business 'get creative' with recruitment.


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